Doug Lemov's field notes

Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.

06.23.17 Three Lessons from Alex Timoll’s Cold Call

One of our most useful clips of the Cold Call technique is this short-but-super clip of Alex Timoll at Excellence Boys Charter School in Bed Stuy Brooklyn.  There are a ton of things you could take away from it, and from Alex’s teaching generally, but there are three especially useful lessons i think that every teacher…

06.19.17 Unpacking How Will Beller Unpacks All Quiet on the Western Front

We spent some of last week watching footage of teachers from Partnership for Inner City Education– a group of Catholic schools in NYC whose mission is to develop outstanding schools that serve low-income students. We love their work generally- what’s not to love about insightful, mission-driven people making every school a little better every day- so we…

05.25.16 How to Break It Down: A Bit of Sage Advice from Juliana Worrell

Break It Down (Technique #35) is a  valuable and important teacher move, but it’s also without a doubt one of the hardest techniques in Teach Like a Champion to execute.  The idea is that when a student gives an incomplete or wrong answer, the teacher replies with a question that provides just enough hint, reminder, or…

10.19.15 HISD’s Erin Krafft Installs Turn and Talk & Builds a Culture of Error (Video)

For our video meeting this week, Chief Video Officer, Rob Richard promised the TLaC team clips that were ‘new’ and ‘pretty exciting.’  Now, Rob is not given to hyperbole.  ‘Pretty exciting’ on the Rob-o-meter is pretty serious praise so the pre-meeting buzz was, let’s just say, intense. With good reason, it turns out. We’d just received…

03.23.15 When a Pre-Call Killed the Mojo- And What to do About it

Recently, our team sat down together to watch footage of a first rate elementary teacher leading a math lesson with her second grade scholars. We observed a lot of great things–and one very unexpected outcome.  Joaquin Hernandez and Colleen Driggs describe it in this guest post: After giving students a few minutes to solve a word problem,…