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I’ve been posting a lot recently (here and here for example) about the power of writing to boost Ratio in the classroom- how writing among other things can cause every student to answer a question instead of just a few who volunteer to speak and how the desirable difficulty writing create facilitates learning and memory….
TLAC Online is Teach Like a Champion’s platform for teachers to learn and practice our techniques. This summer we nearly doubled the Engaging Academics content! We added five five new modules to help increase student engagement in your classroom. Ratio: Improve the level of student engagement and thinking in your classroom with this reflection activity….
Recently, I wrote about Means of Participation– how at the beginning of the year it’s critically important to design and optimize and make a habit out of the way students answer questions–with attention to the details. I shared a video of Sadie McCleary’s Turn and Talk/Cold Call procedures and how they deepened and broadened…