Multi Year Partnerships

Achieve your strategic priorities and build educator capacity through the deep study of video and artifacts

Let’s Work Together

In the past 3 years, we’ve grown from working in a sustained way with 18 school partners to over 40 schools and networks. 

What instructional priorities must you pursue and achieve this year? We’d love to help you achieve them.

Our partnerships team works alongside organizations to help them become the best version of who they aspire to be. If that includes TLAC techniques and resources, we can offer that expertise, but that’s not our goal. We sit shoulder to shoulder with your instructional leaders helping them collect and study evidence of your organization’s progress towards the priorities you’ve named, then developing tools together to accelerate progress.

What makes us different?

We collaborate with you to:

  • Clarify and sharpen your strategic priorities 
  • Facilitate deep study of video and instructional artifacts from within your organization 
  • Build video/artifact infrastructure so your organization can continue to learn from bright spots and develop the long-term capacity to sustain its own talent development 
  • Provide access to TLAC’s extensive video library and instructional tools from successful schools around the world
  • Model our world class expertise in designing and delivering Professional Development
  • Receive curated and supported access to TLAC’s suite of training resources including webinar content, seats at national workshops, TLAC Online and Plug and Plays.

Sharing the Learning

Our partnerships are partnerships: Because we learn as much from the schools we work with as they do from us, we aim to honor and uplift our partners’ work by sharing our learning more broadly. Our work together informs video development, content creation, blog posts, and additional resources we create to share with schools around the world. 

To see examples of some of the learning (and achieving!) we’ve done alongside partners, check out the blog posts below:

Our 4-Year Memphis School Leader Collaborative:

Our 3-Year Partnership with Harmony Public Schools:

Join These Great Organizations and Partner With Us

Interested in learning and improving together? Tell us about your organization and we’ll connect.