Doug Lemov's field notes

Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.

05.15.13 Parental Involvement (Video)

There’s a lot of discussion out there about parental involvement in schools.  If you ask me, the most productive forms of parental involvement are not the ones most people focus on in those discussions. I’m not sure it’s realistic, or all that beneficial to suggest that parents can or should be “co-decision-making partners” in a school, for…

05.03.13 Jessica Bracey: Control the Game and Fluency (video)

We just added this clip of North Star Academy’s Jessica Bracey to our collection… we filed it under Fluency and Control the Game (CTG) though we aren’t yet sure which technique we’ll use it for during our workshops.         In fact what we love about it is the synergy it shows between Fluency and…

04.16.13 How to Teach Like a Champion “on an Island” (Video)

A teacher, “Jenny,” recently wrote to me with a very real-world question: I am currently reading TLAC with great interest, and I would like to implement these techniques in my classes. The only schools I know of that use these techniques, though, are charter schools where the techniques are embedded into the entire school culture.  Unfortunately, I…

04.03.13 TLaC 2.0: Adding Stretch It to No Opt Out (video)

I’m in California this week so have been slow to post and respond to comments…. but the great news (for me) is that I am out here to do a two-day workshop for teachers and leaders at the highly–and justifyably–vaunted Aspire Public Schools. I’m especially excited because I always learn a ton from the smart and reflective…

03.12.13 TLaC Clips: Eric Snider’s Joy Factor (video)

I recently got a request for more examples of Joy Factor at the middle school level. As I was watching some great new footage from our pals over at Achievement First, I noticed this Joy Factor moment from AF Bushwick Middle School’s Eric Snider.         Some thoughts as you watch: We always try to…