Doug Lemov's field notes
Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.01.23.14 UPDATED: My Favorite Sentences. Or, How Editors Save Me From Myself
01.22.14 The 2.0 of 100% Plus Some Great Video of Jamie Smith (Video)

I write a lot of emails entitled “Two Quick Things.” Scrolling back through my sent mail it seems that one quick thing is almost entirely unlikely to get me to write to anyone and three quick things is apparently cause for procrastination. But TWO quick things: that is the email-generating sweet spot for me. And the…
01.19.14 The Stack Audit: Bad Name Big Value

I just finished a chapter on writing in the classroom for TLAC 2.0. In the chapter I describe a scene in which some teachers and I realized we needed more powerful tools to hold students accountable for their written lives in the classroom. The solutions to that challenge are a big reason why there’s a whole…