Doug Lemov's field notes

Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.

03.04.13 Annals of Coaching: The Rondo, My Desert Island Drill

  Remember back in the 80s or 90s when it was standard practice to know your three “desert island discs,” the (vinyl) albums you’d take with you if you were going to be stuck on a desert island for a long time?  The idea was to ID the music that was not only best but most…

02.15.13 Annals of Coaching: Tony Lepore and World Class Preparation for Practice

Working on a fascinating article this week.  I’m watching some of the best youth soccer coaches in the country and “Teach Like a Champion”-ing them.  That is, trying to describe what they do that makes them so exceptional so that others may copy.   A few weeks ago I watched an amazing practice run by Tony…

02.12.13 Annals of Coaching: Video 3.0

1.0 was coaches realizing they should tape their players during games. 2.0 was coaches realizing that it was actually more powerful to tape their players during pratice. 3.0 is coaches realizing they should tape themselves during practice. Check out this elite German Coaching Clinic for example.  Video-taping starts at 1:30 (it’s a reverse clock… must be a…