Doug Lemov's field notes

Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.

09.14.17 Practice on an Island

One of the things that people tell us they value most in our workshops is practice—the chance to rehearse and refine elements of your teaching technique in the safety and camaraderie of colleagues rather than in front of your third period math class. However, not everyone has the opportunity to practice with peers as often as…

07.11.17 A Q&A with Stuart Singer on Mindfulness and Performance

    I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Stuart Singer, who works with athletes to help them master the mental aspects of performance.  As we talked I realized there was a lot of overlap between our areas of interest- from a coaching perspective and more broadly from a teaching and learning perspective.  He agreed…

06.23.17 For Coaches: Making Downtime More Productive During Practice

Recently I watched Mike Ellicott training his U13 girls at Empire United‘s development academy in Rochester.  I wanted to share an idea that came out of it. When his girls broke into three groups for small sided games–one group ‘off’ while the other two played; the third group rotating in after five mins–something caught my eye….

06.09.17 For Coaches: Notes on ‘Means of Participation’

      A topic I’ve been thinking about as I’ve watched coaches over the past couple of months is something I call ‘means of participation.’ It’s relevant during questioning. I’ve written about if for classroom teachers here.  But it’s relevant for coaches too- questioning is important in building decision-making and reinforcing knowledge through recall practice…