Doug Lemov's field notes

Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.

07.23.24 Using Writing in The (Reading) Classroom–The Amazing Success of First Year Teacher Emily Fleming

    Last week I had the pleasure of joining Kristen McQuillan, Natalie Wexler and Julia Cooper on a webinar sponsored by the Knowledge Matters campaign. Topic: The critical role of writing in reading comprehension. You can watch the webinar here: Meanwhile I thought I’d share a lovely video of a teacher using writing in…

05.03.24 More Ace Footage from Scott Wells’ Classroom

Earlier this week I posted a clip of Scott Wells of Goldsmith Primary Academy as he Checked for Understanding with his students. Justifiably, the clip got rave reviews in a recent workshop and online as well.  No surprise that- you can see how sharp it is (and some of the highlights from my perspective at least)…

11.14.23 The Bug That Didn’t (Disprupt Dayla Bedford’s Lesson): A Mini Case Study

  Our weekly team meeting gives us the chance to do what we love most: study great teaching. This week, we had the privilege to study Dayla Bedford of Emma Donnan Elementary School in Indianapolis, IN. Dayla joyfully and skillfully executing a phonics lesson with her first-graders. [We’ll share a longer video of Dayla’s impressive phonics…

05.31.23 Simple Tools Ben Katcher Uses To Keep The Big Group on Task (So He Can Work With a Small Group)

  Watered down instruction is a problem in American classrooms. TNTP’s 2018 white paper, The Opportunity Myth describes the scope of this problem. The average student “spent more than 500 hours per school year on assignments that weren’t appropriate for their grade and with instruction that didn’t ask enough of them—the equivalent of six months of wasted class time…