Doug Lemov's field notes

Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.

04.09.21 ‘Phrasing Fundamentals’ for Questioning: A TLAC 3.0 Excerpt

I’m on the home stretch, I think- I’m wrapping up the manuscript of TLAC 3.0 this week which means it’ll be out in late summer. Meanwhile I’m going to start sharing some excerpts here on the blog. A couple of them are going to be major as the kids say, but I actually thought I’d start…

02.27.20 For Coaches: The Importance of Perception-Based Questions

Thanks to all the supportive folks who’ve been asking “Hey, how’s that coaching book coming?” The answer is: slowly. But it’s coming. I was chatting with a friend about how to ask better questions of athletes and it reminded me of a section on the importance of using questions to train athlete’s eyes. As Todd Beane…