Doug Lemov's field notes
Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.12.04.14 On the False Dichotomy in Math
Fascinating post from William Schmidt, Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University and co-director of the Education Policy Center. Schmidt compares the differences between the PISA and TIMMS assessments. In a nutshell, he notes the Major distinction in what the two tests purport to measure: the TIMSS is focused on formal mathematical knowledge, whereas the PISA emphasizes…
04.15.14 Clip of the Day: Katie Bellucci Checks for Understanding (Video)
03.13.14 Rue Ratray and “Sensitivity Analysis” in Reading Classes (Video)

When we teach math we try to develop number sense- a broader intuition for how numbers work, an affinity for the logic of how they fit together. When we set out to teach ‘number sense’ one tool we often use is a simple version of “sensitivity analysis.” We ask students to evaluate the effect of changes…
03.05.14 Katie McNickle’s Show Call (Video)

When you finally get your hands on TLaC 2.0, technique #36 (or thereabouts) will be something you didn’t see in the first edition of the book: Show Call. The idea was developed by teachers at Uncommon who adapted Cold Call with a view to building incentive for students to do top quality work when writing or…