Doug Lemov's field notes

Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.

01.11.15 Maggie Johnson: How Derek Pollak Excavates Error (Video)

With Teach Like a Champion 2.0 lining the shelves of a book store near you, we’re back at the tiller at TLaC Towers, studying and learning from teachers.  Recently we watched a lesson of Derek Pollak’s at North Star High School and were pretty inspired.  We liked this clip in particular and Maggie Johnson volunteered to…

11.20.14 Check For Understanding: Julia Goldenheim’s 7th Grade English Class (Video)

Teach Like a Champion 2.0 starts with a brand new section on Check For Understanding: Two full chapters and 10 techniques answering four key questions: How do you better gather data about student mastery through asking students questions? How do you better gather data about student mastery by observing students? How do you make it easier…

11.17.14 Dan Cotton on Vicki Hernandez modeling Check For Understanding 2.0

My colleague Dan Cotton, who’s guest posted here and here recently, visited Vicki Hernandez’s 7th Grade Science Class at Troy Prep Middle School a few days ago observing a lesson that made him wish he’d had his video camera.  He tried to capture some of what Vicki did in this write-up: A few days ago, I had the…

05.06.14 [Updated] The Incentive is to Bury the Data: A Snippet from CFU

Wrapping up Teach Like a Champion 2.0 this week. Shooting to have it your neighborhood bookstore before the end of 2014.  Here’s a little snippet from Check for Understanding–which gets TWO chapters in the new version!!!–reflecting on why it’s so hard to take action when data starts to emerge, real-time, that maybe students aren’t mastering what…