Teach Like a Champion provides educators with a set of techniques, a shared vocabulary, and a framework for practice that equip teachers to
achieve dramatic results with their students. Our resources are used by schools throughout the world.
© 2024 Teach Like a Champion
Thank you all for sharing this! Definitely brought tears to my eyes. One day all kids will have a world class, free, education. It’s little moments like this that maintain the momentum of the movement.
Oh, gosh, now you’ve got me blubbering too. 🙂 Just kidding. Seriously, thank you for your thoughtful and lovely comment.
This post is so perfectly timed. I’m currently taking a Coursera course created by RGSE and Dave Levin, and one of the assignments from last week was to practice more regular gratitude, and even to write a long, detailed thank-you note to someone we appreciate. This note you shared is such a wonderful example of this.
While I don’t have any kids (and thus can’t write any thank you notes to their teachers), I do want to express my gratitude for this blog and your regular posts and thoughts. There are teachers everywhere who now read it regularly, and you provide rigorous, thought-provoking topics and questions to push us all to up our game, and take the art and science of teaching more seriously. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed using it when training first-year teachers, and am so grateful to see the readership (and conversation) grow over the past year. Even more excited to read the newest version of TLAC 🙂