Doug Lemov's field notes

Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.

08.06.21 Building a Culture of Error: A TLAC 3.0 Excerpt

  Here’s another excerpt from the soon-to-be-released TLAC 3.0. The topic is building a Culture of Error and this portion deals with how this technique includes but is also broader than establishing psychological safety. In a recent article about his development as a musician, the pianist Jeremy Denk observed a hidden challenge of teaching and learning:…

03.20.19 Sarah Wright Shows How Joy and Order Go Together

  I’m so happy to share this video.  We watched it recently at TLAC towers and have already started using it in our workshops. It’s of Sarah Wright, who teaches English at Chattanooga Prep in Chattanooga, TN, and one of the many things it reminds me of is something that is somehow counter-intuitive to many people:…

03.02.19 Learning to Emphasize Background Knowledge in My Own Reading

  I’ve been thinking a lot about reading lately, and not just students’–my own as well. This week EducationNext ran a  review I wrote of Maryanne Wolf’s Reader Come Home, it was a review about an immensely important book that was also one of the most soul-searching things I’ve written in some time. Here’s an excerpt…

02.27.19 “Because, But, So” Goes 2.0 with Direct Quotations

  I had a great meeting yesterday with ace curriculum developer Jen Rugani to discuss lesson plans she’s been developing for our unit on Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. In the course of the meeting, we developed a new application for one of our favorite developmental writing exercises. The exercise is called Because, But,…

02.14.19 A New Wrinkle on Sensitivity Analysis

  I’ve written several times here about Sensitivity Analysis questions and how valuable I think they are at helping students develop an ear for complex text. Yesterday while reviewing lesson plans for The Magician’s Nephew with curriculum writer Emily Badillo, I came across a new example Emily developed that I thought was worth sharing.  It comes…