Doug Lemov's field notes

Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.

02.12.18 Coaching Words: You Don’t, You Didn’t, You Must, We Will

The language we use to help people know how to grow and improve is important. When we give feedback, we’re giving technical information but we’re always also building culture between and among us at the same time. I found myself thinking about language when I recently heard some coaching interactions on the youth sports field but…

01.02.18 Practice Gold–Pianist Barron Ryan Reflects on Practice

I’m a huge fan of Barron Ryan–and not just because he plays a classy elegant kind of piano jazz. Though you should check him out playing  Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough if you’ve never heard him. No, I’m a big Barron Ryan fan because he’s one of the most reflective musicians I know on the topic…

11.29.17 Mentor Athletes: Darryl Williams’ Tiny (& Brilliant) Adaptation

My colleague Darryl Williams is one of the best people in the country at helping school leaders lead better schools by better understanding teaching and learning. You’d think that would be enough for one guy, but he also has a secret life coaching his daughter’s basketball team a couple of nights a week.  She’s a fifth…

10.06.17 Cold Call for Coaches: Atlanta United’s Mike Lynch Dials It In

  The benefits of using Cold Call in the classroom are pretty clear. It helps ensure that students are always mentally ‘on’ during a lesson and it allows teachers to question quickly and efficiently, especially to make sure that students know what they need to know—to Check for Understanding. These ideas are critical in a coaching…

09.28.17 Nick Winkelman on Blocked, Serial and Random Practice

I had the chance to visit a highly successful sports franchise earlier this week. It was the second time in a month I got to visit an elite organization in the sports sector and both visits were amazing because I learned so much- even in the ‘classroom,’ because in both cases the organizations had also brought…