Doug Lemov's field notes

Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.

10.06.15 Notes on Soccer: Is “The Game the Best Teacher”?

    The phrase “The Game is the Best Teacher” is popular among soccer coaches.  In many ways I understand why; it’s pithy and has an element of truth to it. But as this recent post by Paul Cammarata points out it’s not fully true and is often misapplied.   My colleague Chris Condron, a student…

09.14.15 Coaching Notes: Why (Else) Parents Shouldn’t Criticize Refs

A couple of weeks ago I listened in while a coach I admire reminded his team’s parents not to criticize the referee during a game. He made some really good points of which #1, as he noted, was by far the most important It models poor sportsmanship, directly in front of your own children It gives…

09.02.15 Paul Goldschmidt’s Healthy Obsession with Technique

Got this note today from my colleague Rob Richard who’s a big baseball fan.  That said, even if you are not a baseball fan, this article on Paul Goldschmidt and how his focus on technique led to his incredible rate of growth is definitely worth reading… and maybe even passing along to students.   Doug-  …

08.24.15 More About Juliana Worrell’s Amazing Coaching Video

Last week I posted about a video of Juliana Worrell coaching Ashley Roberts. There were a lot of remarkable things about the clip: yes, the great coaching Juliana provided, but even more compellingly (and importantly, I tried to say), a great culture of openness and teamwork between Juliana and Ashley. My primary takeaway from TNTP’s Mirage…

08.18.15 About That Mirage: Responding to TNTP’s Report, Part II (Video)

Part 2: Yesterday, I blogged about the important ‘Mirage’ report, in which TNTP, having done some of the best research on public schools (here and here, for example) studied teacher development and found, to its consternation, that massive investments yielded not only unconvincing results—significant improvement by just 3 out of 10 teachers across three large districts—but…