Doug Lemov's field notes

Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.

09.19.19 Writing About ‘Mice and Men’: Some Examples from Our Curriculum

As many readers of this blog know we are developing a Reading curriculum. We’ve tried to be writing-intensive and to use writing to help students make sense of complex texts and ideas. I thought I’d share some examples from our unit on Of Mice and Men. These were written by Emily DiMatteo and show the range…

09.16.19 Call and Response and other forms of “Teacher Catnip”

I spent much of the weekend re-reading Robert Pondiscio’s fantastic book. How the Other Half Learns, his tale of a year inside the eminently successful Success Academy charter network. Yes, I have thoughts on the larger lessons and implications of the book. At some point I may share them though I’m still thinking it through. For…

09.07.19 Replacing “Learning Styles” with “Attention Types”

I’ve been thinking a lot about the persistence of people’s belief in learning styles lately. Everywhere I go, teachers and coaches talk about the idea as if was established fact when in reality it is an idea without scientific basis. Recently, I started asking myself Why is the myth so persistent when a little bit of…