Excellent instruction requires teachers to motivate and support all students in achieving mastery of rigorous academic content. Join the TLAC team to prepare to deliver excellent training on seven high-impact, high academic expectation techniques from Teach Like a Champion 3.0. This collection of techniques helps teachers positively engage students in rigorous academic work.
- An understanding of proven teaching skills that drive student achievement
- Insights when describing the effective application of techniques by champion teachers
- An understanding of the importance of practicing new techniques with teachers
- A framework for what makes practice effective
- Practice activities that will strengthen teachers’ capacity to apply effective techniques in their classrooms
- The opportunity to plan how you will implement these techniques in your school’s professional development program
- Teach Like A Champion 3.0 techniques including Cold Call, No Opt Out, Right is Right, Stretch It, Everybody Writes, Wait Time, and Check for Understanding
- Effective coaching during practice in order to help teachers master the techniques
Schools will have the option to purchase the Implementation Toolkit License. The school leader will receive a link to download copies of all workshop materials, as well as additional training materials, including:
- Full description of all techniques, methods, and practice activities covered in the training
- PowerPoint slides used in the workshop
- Access to video clips shown and talking points for each clip
- Additional clips with complete talking points
Our workshops are a “Train the Trainer” model. We prepare instructional leaders and school leadership teams to deliver excellent training on Teach Like a Champion 3.0 techniques. Schools typically send a team of two to five instructional leaders and teachers in order to have several key team members responsible for turn-keying the work back at their campuses.