Plug and Plays

Save time. Dive deep. Ready-to-use teacher training modules on specific Teach Like a Champion techniques.

Price$ 375

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This session is designed to train teachers in the technique of Circulate. Circulate is the act of moving strategically around the classroom to build relationships with students and to maximize engagement and achievement. Just as a great chess player’s moves are strategic (she anticipates moves and plans ahead) a great teacher leverages her proximity and moves strategically to Circulate in the classroom.


Through analysis of master teachers’ techniques and deep practice, participants in the session will develop understanding and strengthen skills with:

  • How to move systematically and engage students while teaching
  • How to gather data via observation, provide feedback, and make sure students are engaged in rigorous work during independent work time


Ready-To-Use Materials

Our goal is for you to save time that you would otherwise spend creating a PD session from scratch and dive deep into the small concrete actions that advance your teachers’ skills from good to great. The Plug and Play provides you with:
✓ A fully customizable PowerPoint presentation with embedded videos of Circulate in action
✓ Facilitator notes for what to say and do for each slide
✓ 9 video clips, with detailed analysis of each clip
✓ Carefully designed practice activities
✓ Feedback Cheat Sheets—prioritized success points for coaching teachers on Circulate
✓ Participant Handouts for interactive note taking
✓ Next steps to ensure what is learned in the session carries over to classrooms



100 Level: No Prerequisites

This module can be used by any school. It does not require leader experience with or school-wide implementation of Teach Like a Champion techniques.

Price$ 375

Purchase Plug and Play
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Click here to download the license agreement. Fill it out, and submit the completed form via email (with your P.O.) to
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