Pilot our School

Become a SCC HS pilot program subscriber.

Thank you for your interest in piloting the School Culture Curriculum for high school students. The pilot partnership is an opportunity to get direct implementation support while also supplying important artifacts and feedback on your use of the school culture curriculum. By partnering with the TLAC team you will help the school culture curriculum to grow for years to come!

Should you decide to become a pilot partner, you will receive:
  • The 4 chapters from our curriculum (you select two and we share two)
  • The School Culture Curriculum Implementation Guide
  • An invitation to an Unboxing Webinar
  • Direct access to support and troubleshooting with the TLAC SCC Team (two scheduled Zoom calls for feedback, support, and troubleshooting).
  • Access to quarterly newsletters
You will be asked to complete the following
  • Submit one 10-15 minute video of implementation
  • Submit at least 5-8 student work samples
  • Respond to 2 surveys

Price: $400 + Pilot Commitments

Length: 4 months from the purchase date